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Co-founder & Honorary Secretary

Championing nature education as an integral part of conservation goals, DR. EVELYN LIM AI LIN believes that ecotourism offers a great opportunity for education which will help instill values that will build a foundation for responsible travel and tourism in the future. 


Pioneering nature education for over 10 years while being attached with the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), Evelyn successfully ran and managed the iconic MNS School Nature Club Project (KPA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. 


During her tenure with MNS,  Evelyn also contributed to 2 publications that are still being used today, the ‘Fun Environmental KPA Activities for Teachers’ (2005) and ‘Nature by Heart: A Handbook for Environmental Educators’ (2007).


Armed with a doctorate in forestry, Evelyn continued to make an impact at her alma mater, University Putra Malaysia, when she won a gold medal during the Invention, Research & Innovation Exhibition 2014 on her research topic “Exploring the Effectiveness of Environmental Education Program in Influencing Secondary School Students’ Human-Wildlife Relationship”.  She has recently co-authored a publication “Using Interpretation to teach Environmental Education” which was launched at UPM recently in February 2015.

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