Reconnecting People to the Natural World
10th Asian Bird fair

27 September - 1 October 2019
Kuching Waterfront, Sarawak
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The Main organizer of this Event is Ecotourism & Conservation Society Malaysia (ECOMY), supported by the Sarawak State Government through the Sarawak Tourism Board and Sarawak Convention Bureau. Hosted by the ABF network and the Kuching Birdwatching Club is the local host.
The 10th ABF will feature activities such as networking sessions among tour companies, tour guides, bird guides, NGOs, product owners, nature guides, bird clubs and even optic and publication companies. This event will see Malaysia hosts an estimated 120 foreign and local delegates, agencies and NGOs.
This 5 day event will also see us organize an International Ecotourism Forum on 29 September 2019. This Forum will feature 3 international speakers who are leading bird tour personalities from Taiwan, China and Singapore. This Forum will be attended by all delegates of the ABF as well as local operators, product owners and members of the media.
This event will also see Schedule Talks as well as Exhibition Booths plus Ecotourism Tours for the public as well as the delegates.
10th Asian Bird Fair 2019 Promotional Video
10th Asian Bird Fair 2019 Opening Ceremony Video
10th Asian Bird Fair 2019 Turnover Dinner Video
About the Asian Bird Fair

The Asian Bird Fair (ABF) was initiated by 3 passionate birdwatchers, Michael Lu (Philippines), Victor Yu (Taiwan) and Andrew Sebastian (Malaysia). They are the Executive Committee and Founders of the ABF Network. Their idea was immediately supported and endorsed by 5 organisations in the region. Idea presented in 2009 at the Thailand International Birdwatching Fair and formalised at Raptor Watch, Malaysia in 2010.
Objective of the Asian Bird Fair
To encourage friendship, collaboration and the exchange of experience & best practices among the bird clubs of Asia;
To foster bird-watching as an Eco-tourism activity;
To highlight bird festivals;
Bird fairs and bird races in the region;
To promote the host cities/countries – their natural beauty, wild bird conservation efforts, eco-adventure activities and cultural heritage.